The outsole is frequently neglected in the midst of the buzz around new midsole foams and cushioning advancements. A running shoe with a poor grip will not be saved by any amount of midsole cushioning or springy responsiveness. An outsole contributes value in a variety of ways aside than providing traction. A well-designed outsole collaborates with the midsole to improve cushioning and transitions. The outsole, depending on the material, also serves as a protective barrier against small rocks and debris on the road and trail. For specific scenarios, some companies use a more robust outsole.

We need to have a better outsole for us to run comfortably without thinking when we might fall/slip. Especially with the weather not giving us time to run outside since it is raining. We would need to protect our feet from sharp objects such as rocks since water level might rise to our knees due to the unpredictable weather and bad drainage system. An outsole is really the most important feature of any shoes.
Shoe Brand with great outsoles are: Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Anta, Puma, Fila and Asics.
(these brand recommendation are only from what our team has experienced)